Environmental Protection Monitoring
Prior to commencement of construction, different types of monitoring instruments have been installed by phases to closely monitor the site and surrounding situation.
The types of monitoring instrument are including but not limited to:
Piezometer to check the water change level
Settlement marker to check the ground settlement
Tilting marker to check the building verticality
Vibration Measurement
Tell tales to check the crack width
Noise measurement to monitor the construction noise
Air particle measurement to monitor the air quality
Air and Dust Control Measures
The construction will be carried out with environmental protection practices which help minimize the impact to the neighborhood.
Spray water on the surface of dusty materials before, during and after excavation.
Provide impervious sheet covering the stockpile
Use dump truck equipped with mechanical cover for transportation of dusty material
Wash vehicle to remove any dusty materials before leaving a site
Provide temporary hydroseeding on cut slope as dust control measures
Provide temporary hydroseeding on cut slope as dust control measures
Noise Control Measures
Noise barriers are employed to mitigate the noise impact to public
The breaker tip is wrapped with sound insulating material to reduce the noise
Environmental Friendly Method for Rock Breaking -
Electro Power Impact (EPI) Rock Breaking
- Pro-environment - less vibration, low noise, less dust and no toxic fumes
- Controllable - flexible pattern design with adjustable energy release devises
- Workable - use in wet or dry holes and works faster on hard rock than hydraulic hammer
- Safety - Reduced risk of flyrock and EPI cells are safe to be transported and stored
Hoarding and rock fence is to be provided to prevent any loose materials falling to the public road and outside the works area
Hoarding and rock fence is to be provided to prevent any loose materials fall to the public road and underneath